Jeremain LENS: “My legs are a bit “heavy” yet”

Jeremain LENS: “My legs are a bit “heavy” yet”

They have already started studying Russian as it’s absolutely necessary for adaptation.

At the first lesson with their tutor Tetiana taught players alphabet and simple phrases. It’s very important that it wasn’t obligatory for newcomers to study Russian. It was their initiative.

Jeremain Lens has told about the process of adaptation to new team:

- You have already spent several days in Kyiv. What are your general impressions of the city and team?

- There is a slight difference between Dynamo and PSV. In the Netherlands we usually went home after training sessions and in Kyiv we stay at the training complex. Still I think I’ll get used to it. I think such rule proves that Dynamo are more outstanding team than PSV.

- Will your family move to Kyiv?

- Yes, I have already found a flat and I’m going to move there soon.

- Is it important for you to learn not only how to pronounce Russian words, but also to be able to read and to spell them?

- I think it’s more important to be able to speak as it’s necessary both on the pitch and in everyday life. Still one also should be capable of reading and writing.

- You have already made your debut for Dynamo as Kyivans faced Zenit St. Petersburg. Will it be difficult for you to get used to the White-Blues game style?

- There are good players in our team which means we’ll be able to understand each other even not speaking the same language. I think I’ll get used to new team rather quickly. I don’t know what my physical conditions will be like by the game against Spartak Moscow, but at the moment my legs are a bit “heavy”.

* photo by V. Rasner


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