Yuriy Semin praises players' fitness

Yuriy Semin praises players' fitness

At the media open training, conducted the next day after the team’s return from vacation, Yuriy Semin took questions from journalists about the club’s preparation for the new term.


Yuriy Semin gave some scarce comments on the first two signings, noting Vukojević’s “strong fitness” and his “scoring ability” as for the position of a defending midfielder. He is young, the coach added, so there’s still progress for him to be made.

Content with players’ fitness and form

Unlike in the winter, Semin now has no complaints about his lads’ conditions. Everyone is in a “good mood” after vacation, with no players in the treatment room, except for Corrêa. The Brazilian will be, at best, sidelined for two months.


Semin assured that not only frontline, made up of Okoduwa, Lysenko, Yarmolenko, Zozulya, Milevskyy, Shatskikh and others, but other positions as well, will offer a serious competition. This seems obvious in the light of a pool of reserves players ready to grab their first-team chance.


When asked who will replace Shovkovskyy after he leaves the club, Semin said he possessed no such information. The coach also refused to comment on Shatskikh’s possible transfer before the Uzbek international return from his team’s training camp.

Speaking about Vashchuk, who will see his contract expired next month, the manager said the issue will soon be settled, adding the club has enough well-qualified players to be deployed in central defense.


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