Yuriy Semin: More people should come to see our games

Yuriy Semin: More people should come to see our games

At the training run held at the Dyanmo Stadium, open for media and fans, Yuriy Semin was showered with questions.

- What do you expect from the Kharkiv encounter?

- It is going to be a difficult one, since Metalist is a well-built team that plays a good football.

- Do the open trainings contribute to discovering new Dynamo starlets?

- Absolutely. The events of this kind are very important, especially for young footballers, who can show their technical skills and learn various techniques from their mature colleagues. We do not like that the stadium is not packed when we play. Kyiv is a large city, so more people should come and see our games.

- Why were Shovkovskyy and Aliyev absent from the training session?

- Shovkovskyy incurred an injury in the recent match, whereas Aliyev joined our second team for tonight’s division 2 game. Also, Yussuf is out with an injury. Although he trained individually in the morning, he cannot work with the ball.

- With the season’s last game to be played in a few days, what is the atmosphere inside the team like? Do your lads still believe in a positive result?

- What can we change? It is football and no one knows what will happen. We are hoping for a certain miracle. I can only add that a long injury list had a negative impact on us. We could not find good substitution for Husyev and Mykhalyk.

- When is Husyev expected to be back on pitch?

- The injury he has usually requires a five or six-month rehabilitation period. It will, I believe, take Oleh less time than that. His leg is fine now; he works conscientiously every day, according to the recovery plan.


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