Serhiy Buletsa: “Olexandr Petrakov told us to fight for Ukraine and for our families”

Serhiy Buletsa: “Olexandr Petrakov told us to fight for Ukraine and for our families”

- It’s been a week since your triumph at the World Cup. Have you realized you’re the champions?

- I guess we haven’t. Maybe in a year we’ll realize we’ve reached our goal, but so far we don’t think about that. We’ve left everything we had on the field. Now we need to recondition and to get ready for the next season.

- It’s a great achievement for Ukraine. What do you think of this success?

- We’ve won the trophy with a help of our supporters. We dedicate this victory to Ukraine. After the final, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Dynamo president Ihor Surkis called to congratulate us. That was very nice.

- Is triumph at the World Cup your major success at the moment?

- Of course it is.

- What can you say about your opponent in the final – South Korea?
- They’re pretty good team. We faced them in Spain, but back then they did better. Maybe this time they were tired.

- What did coach tell you before the game?

- He cheered us up and told to fight for Ukraine and for our families.

- What do you think of Olexandr Petrakov?

- He’s very emotional. We’re really thankful to him. I’m glad we’ve reached our goal together.

- Which game was the most difficult one?

- The game against Italy. It was difficult from psychological point of view, but we proved we deserved featuring in the final.

- Leading media, supporters and experts spotted your decent performance…

- I’ll keep working to make headway. Only hard work promotes the progress.

- How are you going to spend your vacation?

- I’ll go to Turkey with a friend of mine. I don’t know if a week is enough, but I’ll try to have good rest.

- Is there anything that inspires you?

- I just take the field and enjoy everything around me.

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