Olexandr SHOVKOVSKYI: “Training schedule won’t be aligned with Ukraine matches”

Olexandr SHOVKOVSKYI: “Training schedule won’t be aligned with Ukraine matches”

- As far as Euro-2016 is on a big group of youngsters will take part in the training camp. Is it important for you whom to work with?

- At our training camps we mostly focus on fitness, especially during the first stage. Considering that all Dynamo teams work according to same plan, tactical schemes are almost similar. We realize that players that return from Euro-2016 will be in different state. Someone will need more time for rest while someone – less. Of course it’s a chance for youngsters and they’ll try to use it. As for me, it doesn’t matter whom I train with.

- Do youngsters need any advice?

- When they’re 17-18 they think they know everything and don’t take any advice. On the other hand if they’re interesting in something their attitude is different. It’s also important not just to listen, but to hear and make conclusions.

- Isn’t it uncomfortable for youngsters to ask you something?

- Maybe sometimes it is, but before we start working I say: “Guys, if need any advice, I can tell you a lot, so ask me”.

- Euro-2016 knock out stage will be on when you have your training camp. Will it be a kind of entertainment for the team?

- Usually I don’t watch TV in my room. I watch matches in the lobby with teammates. Training schedule won’t be aligned with Ukraine matches, but if we have time we’ll follow games of our team.

Copyright © FC Dynamo Kyiv

* photo by V. Rasner

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