Oleh BLOKHIN: “Our president bent every effort for the game against Tavria to take place”

Oleh BLOKHIN: “Our president bent every effort for the game against Tavria to take place”

- First game after long break is always difficult. Besides weather conditions were severe in the first half. The final score could have been difficult if we used our chances. Lack of concentration resulted in the goal we conceded.

- How do foreign players react to the situation if Ukraine? Information about different performers’ desire to leave the country occurs constantly…

- Not a single player has asked for permission to leave yet.

- Can there be a conflict between Mbokani and Ideye? Both players want to be first team regulars…

- There’s no conflict at the moment. We have 20 performers, so some will have no game practice from time to time. Ideye wants to perform at the World Cup and I understand him. We’ll use two forwards in some matches. A problem exists, but it’s not critical.

- What was your reaction to Rybka’s conciliation with fans?

- It’s a normal situation. Rybka is Dynamo trainee. Some misunderstandings between players and fans always exist, but it’s necessary to find common ground.

- Did you have a “plan B” in case that Tavria didn’t come to Kyiv?

- This year we face force majeures constantly. On March 14 I was told that the match would be cancelled. We were going to play friendly against FC Poltava, but our president bent every effort for the game against Tavria to take place. It’s difficult to work without official fixtures, besides football unites people.

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