Andriy BAL: “I remember series of birthdays”

Andriy BAL: “I remember series of birthdays”

- This day we have ordinary training session. After that I’ll celebrate with my family and close friends.

- Which birthday was the most memorable for you?

- Usually I celebrate this day at mid-season training camps. We had series of birthdays in winter in Dynamo when I was a player. On February 12 we congratulated Victor Khlus, on February 17 – Serhiy Baltacha, on February 12 – Anatoliy Demianenko. On February 16 they congratulated me. But during training camps we weren’t allowed to have a single glass of wine. There also were no cakes.

- Which birthday present you enjoyed the most?

- There were so many of them that I can’t name some particular present. As for me, the best presents are congratulations from family and friends.

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