Striking at Ukrainian cities, Russia is trying to vent its powerlessness - address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

I wish you health, Ukrainians!

Our defenders!

We finally have the result, the first result of our evacuation operation from Azovstal in Mariupol, which we have been organizing for a very long time. It took a lot of effort, long negotiations and various mediations.

Today 156 people arrived in Zaporizhzhia. Women and children. They have been in shelters for more than two months. Just imagine! For example, a child is six months old, two of which are underground, fleeing bombs and shelling. Finally, these people are completely safe. They will get help.

And I am grateful to all those on whom the rescue of these people depended. Who agreed and who helped. I am grateful to everyone who ensured the physical transportation of people through the humanitarian corridor.

Of course, we will continue to do everything to get all our people out of Mariupol and Azovstal. It's difficult. But we need everyone who stays there: civilians and military. There was not a day when we did not address this issue, when our people did not try to solve this issue.

Yes, we managed to achieve a ceasefire for almost three days in order to make the humanitarian corridor work.

Currently, Russian troops are not adhering to the agreements. They continue massive strikes at Azovstal. They are trying to storm the complex. But I have been told many times that no one can be saved. That it is impossible. And today 156 people are in Zaporizhzhia. This is not a victory yet, but this is already a result. And I believe that there is a chance to save our other people.

04.05.2022, 00:24
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