The week is planned to be very busy - address by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Strong people of our strong country!

Today is the day when we see again and again how far we are from the Russian Federation. Imagine, they were frightened there in Moscow because of my interview to Russian journalists. To those of them who can afford to tell the truth. When journalists were preparing to publish our interview - and we spoke with them this afternoon - the Russian censorship agency came out with a threat. That's what they wrote - they demand not to publish the conversation. It would be ridiculous if it wasn't so tragic.

They destroyed freedom of speech in their state, they are trying to destroy the neighboring state. They portray themselves as global players. And they themselves are afraid of a relatively short conversation with several journalists.

Well, if there is such a reaction, then we are doing everything right, then they are nervous. Apparently, they have seen that their citizens have more and more questions about the state of affairs in their country.

The maximum contrast is my conversation with our favorite Ukrainian TV media representatives. I held a zoom conference with almost five hundred of our media representatives who are creating a telethon "United News". I am grateful to them.

28.03.2022, 01:15
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