Three years without Valentyn Belkevych…

Three years without Valentyn Belkevych…

He passed away on August 1 2014.

Dynamo head coach Olexandr Khatskevych, coaches Oleh Luzhnyi, Mykhailo Mykhailov and Valentyn’s wife Olesia laid flowers at his grave. Many people joined them: youth team coaches Ihor Kostiuk, Vitaliy Kosovskyi, Olexandr Moroz, Taras Lutsenko, Serhiy Protsiuk, players Oleh Husiev, Heorhiy Bushchan, Pavlo Orikhovskyi, former defender of our team Serhiy Konovalov, Dynamo sporting director Olexiy Mykhailychenko, Deputy CEO Serhiy Mokhnyk and others.

Dynamo former gaffer Serhiy Rebrov was also there.

Valentyn Belkevych will always be one of Dynamo best playmakers ever. Memory of him will live in our hearts forever.

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