Valeriy LOBANOVSKYI’s three fourth of century

Valeriy LOBANOVSKYI’s three fourth of century

His family, Football Federation of Ukraine representatives, pro veterans, reserve team and Dynamo-2 coaching staff, journalists and supporters have laid flowers at his grave.

Anatoliy Suchkov used to play alongside Lobanovskyi, just like Oleh Bazylevych, who also worked with him as a coach.

Volodymyr Muntian, Viktor Kondratov, Olexiy Mykhailychenko and Mykhailo Mykhailov achieved great success featuring for Dynamo under Valeriy Lobanovskyi.

The White-Blues with Olexandr Khatskevych, Valentyn Belkevych and Vitaliy Kosovskyi in their squad were the best team in Ukraine.

Many Lobanovskyi’s trainees came to his grave…

It’s possible to realize how important this person was for wider public only over the years.

“I would give anything to raise glass to the health and success of my coach, - stated Volodymyr Muntian. – Unfortunately he passed away too early. We must take care of his legacy”.

Reminiscence of Valeriy Lobanovskyi will live forever. There always will be people at the stadium named after him and at his monument. People for whom football is more than a game. Just like it was for Lobanovskyi.


* photos by A. Lukatskyi

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