Serhiy REBROV answers fans’ questions (VIDEO)

Serhiy REBROV answers fans’ questions (VIDEO)

Such events during the winter break have already become traditional, but this year one could also follow the meeting live and even ask our gaffer questions on Dynamo official site, YouTube channel and in mobile application.

Serhiy Rebrov answered every question in detail. Main topics were current situation in the team, lineup issues, game problems etc.

Our coach started the meeting with words of gratitude:

- First of all I’d like to congratulate you on holidays. I’m glad to see Dynamo loyal fans, who care about the team no matter what happens.

- Considering that after the first part of the season you’re lacking 13 points behind Shakhtar and you’ve tumbled out of euro cups, aren’t you going to form new team? First of all it’s referred to such laterals as Tymchyk and Dubinchak…

- Unlike fans, I don’t like to talk about particular players. We haven’t even started the training camp yet, so we can’t discuss who leaves the team and who joins us. As for young players, Tymchyk has already made his debut for the main squad, other youngsters work with us at training sessions regularly. For some reason you haven’t named Tsyhankov though he’s the first tram regular. If you think I don’t like to work with young performers, you’re wrong, but not a single team that sets ambitious goals can replace 9-10 performers with youngsters at once.

- Roman Yaremchuk will go to the training camp with Dynamo. What about Serhiy Miakushko and Dmytro Khlyobas? Will they go to Spain or maybe you’ve recommended them to play on loan just like you told Olexandr Andriyevskyi?

- I suppose you read media very attentively. Basically I don’t like my personal conversations with players to come out into the open. For example, Yaremchuk has stated that coach doesn’t talk to him at all…  I’ll ask Roman about that. I talk to all performers and give them all a chance, but Dynamo is not a team for experiments. If people you’ve mentioned will do their best at training sessions, they’ll play. As for Yaremchuk, I have high hopes for him.

- The transfer window is open. Will you sign anyone?

- I’d love to. I hope that happens. Every team needs fresh blood.

- Has any substitute asked you for a chance to take the field?

- I haven’t faced such situation as a coach yet, but when I was a player that happened.

- Did Oleh Husiev get out of shape so badly that the club decided to say goodbye to him?

- I can’t say Oleh got out of shape. Every player has his time. As you’ve mentioned, we have youngsters, who make headway and lay claims to places in the first team. I respect Oleh a lot. He’s always been a friend of mine. He’s deserved everything he has with his job. I think he should get a good contract in a good country, keep playing and enjoy spending time with his family. He’s a very intelligent person and I’m sure he’s not offended.

- Which coach is your role model?

- Those are all coaches I used to work with. First of all that’s Valeriy Lobanovskyi. When I became a coach I started following some specialists and I learn something from them.

- Why do Dynamo lose so many points this season opposing weaker teams?

- I guess that’s about the lack of concentration. One can’t be only 99 per cent focused on the game. For example, when we opposed FC Oleksandria, six players of our team let one performer avoid pressure and score silly goal.

- Will Yarmolenko leave the team in the closest time?

- I always answer this question the same way: as a coach I don’t want to lose such player. Still we all know what can happen. It’s a proper time for Andriy to perform for a good foreign club. Anyway he’s deserved leaving not for free. That’s all up to the president of the club and the player.

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