Serhiy Sydorchuk: “Everything is easier at home”

Serhiy Sydorchuk: “Everything is easier at home”

- Serhiy, is it okay for you that this round consists of one game?

- Of course everything is easier at home. However it would have been even better if our supporters could be present at the stadium.

- How much does the absence of supporters influence the team?

- The worst thing is that you get accustomed both to good and bad stuff. I mean we’re starting to get used to this situation. But, as I’ve said, it would have been great if people could come and help us. Anyway, our task is to qualify for the group stage and we’ll try to do it even behind closed doors.

- You’ve probably analyzed AZ. Who’s the biggest danger and what are the major strengths of this team?

- I won’t tell about AZ strengths as we had a really good theory class yesterday. As for players, I can say AZ captain Koopmeiners is a really good halfback. They play orderly in the midfield and it will be difficult to oppose them, but we believe in ourselves. Mister gives us this confidence.

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