Mircea Lucescu: “We created more chances, but conceded after one mistake”

Mircea Lucescu: “We created more chances, but conceded after one mistake”

- Mister, are you satisfied with the game?

- It was a tough game against good opponent. I think we created more chances, but one mistake resulted in conceded goal. It seemed to me that Bushchan tried to catch the ball. As for me, he should have parried it. As for final score, of course I’m not satisfied.

After the game against Gent we lost two key performers – Buialskyi and Supriaha. Probably this has also influenced the outcome.

- Transfer window is about to close. Are you going to sign anyone?

- To enforce the team we need to sign internationals, players from top clubs for big money. At the moment we can’t do that, so all players we have need to realize they must work even more.

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