Kyiv says final goodbyes to Valentyn Zhurskyi

Kyiv says final goodbyes to Valentyn Zhurskyi

Many famous people came to the memorial service for hero of social labor, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician and former head of FC Dynamo Kyiv supervisory committee.

There were representatives of country’s top leadership among them.

The first president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk gave a very touching speech about the deceased.

UEFA vice-president Hryhoriy Surkis stated that Zhurskyi was a creative person and always gave a breath of fresh air to any business. He did a lot for FC Dynamo Kyiv. The team achieved great success when he was Kyiv mayor.

Vitaliy Klychko said that he knew Zhurskyi as a great person, who cared about our city and its citizens.

FC Dynamo Kyiv president Ihor Surkis mentioned that Valentyn Zhurskyi made a strong contribution into the history of our club. He was one of those, who revived the team in time of need.

Valentyn Zhurskyi has been buried at BaikoveCemetery.

* photos by A. Lukatskyi

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