We Are Preparing New Decisions to Strengthen Ourselves and Protect Our People – the Address by the President

We Are Preparing New Decisions to Strengthen Ourselves and Protect Our People – the Address by the President

Dear Ukrainians!

We have been working for a very long time to free from Russian captivity Nariman Dzhelyal, Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, two priests of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, and civilians who were captured by Russians in the occupied territories back in 2017 and 2018. Finally, our people are at home. Ten civilians.

This week, 90 servicemen were also released from captivity, and in total, during this war, 3,310 people were brought back to Ukraine from Russian captivity. And we have to find and bring back to Ukraine all of our people, everyone who is in captivity or deported – adults and children, military and civilians. All of them.

I am grateful to our team that deals with the exchanges. Yermak, Budanov, Maliuk, Lubinets, Klymenko – thank you. I thank the United Arab Emirates and the Holy See for mediating the releases that took place this week. We continue working.

Today I met with Nariman Dzhelyal, and we have already discussed what we will do next – both for our victory and the liberation of our entire land, and for the support of the Crimean Tatar people.

Today, I also attended the National Prayer Breakfast and personally congratulated the priests released from captivity, Bohdan Heleta and Ivan Levitsky. I also thanked all the representatives of churches and religious communities for supporting our people, our communities, for helping our state in this extremely difficult time of war. May all prayers for peace for Ukraine and for our Ukrainian victory be answered.

And one more thing.

Dnipro. Work is still underway at the site of the Russian missile strike on the apartment building. The rubble is being cleared. So far, one person has been reported dead – my condolences to the family and friends. Twelve people were injured. Everyone is being provided with the necessary assistance. The fate of several people remains unknown. All efforts are being made to clarify all the circumstances, all the details. And of course, Russia will be held accountable for this terror against Ukraine. We are preparing new decisions to strengthen ourselves and protect our people.

I thank everyone who stands with Ukraine! Glory to everyone who works for Ukraine, who fights for Ukraine. We will definitely ensure peace.

Glory to Ukraine!

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