Chornobyl, escape of Lobanovskyi to the cinema and “mined” airliner

Chornobyl, escape of Lobanovskyi to the cinema and “mined” airliner

He started by saying: “We must play the way necessary to lift the spirit of people in the terrible disaster zone”.

- I said that to inform people at home in some way about what had happened in Chornobyl, - recalls Valentyn Shcherbachov. – They concealed the disaster in the USSR for a week after it happened.

- They say at least half of fans at the Stade de Gerland were Atletico supporters…

- There were a lot of Spanish fans in Lyon. On the match day Valeriy Lobanovskyi and I went to the Old city. Suddenly we saw a crowd of Atletico supporters with flags not far from us. We rushed to some cinema, bought tickets and stayed there for an hour. We watched some movie though we didn’t speak French.

- How did people meet you when you returned to the USSR?

- We left Paris only on May 5. When we came to the airport someone called and said our airliner was mined. That’s why we departed five or six hours later. There weren’t many people meeting us in Moscow. Just some passengers asked for autographs.

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